Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Where are the locations of certain habitats? How are species spread across a site? Are there any relations or interactions between the distribution of species and habitats? Where is best to create habitat for a species? How can I collect my data in a way that reduces handling and increases survey efficiency? These are just a flavour of questions that can be answered with the application of GIS software. If the data or question of concern has a spatial element to it, then we can use GIS to explore it further.

We at Spring Biodiversity have extensive experience with the GIS platforms QGIS and Esri's ArcGIS environment, and can meet or advise on any of your geospatial mapping, analysis, or data collection needs.

A selection of the services we routinely provide are below. However if your particular query is not captured here, please get in touch and we would be happy to discuss your requirements.


Habitat & Species Mapping

Map the distribution, spread, location of habitats and species across various scales and with different techniques.

Spatial Analysis

Use GIS tools to discover patterns, find trends, and gain insights into your spatial data.

Data Collection

Revolutionise your data collection with remote collection tools, improving efficiency and increasing data capture.

Data Visualisation

Using the Esri environment you can visualise your collected, mapped, and analysed data, providing report ready graphs and statistics.


We offer GIS training in mentoring, one-to-one, or small group arrangements. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Integrated Data Management

Maximising what is available in your Esri subscription with connected data flows and processes to improve data management from source to visualisation.

Case Study - Mapping Habitats

Phase 1 Habitat Mapping

A local authority client required habitats to be mapped and opportunities identified for biodiversity improvement. The image (left) is one of several output maps provided in their report.

The map  is of a local greenspace that maps habitat under the Phase 1 Habitat symbology. The map utilises point, line, and polygon shape types to illustrate the different habitat types present on site and their location.

Case Study - Remote Data Collection of Livestock

The Challenge

The client, a large greenspace management charity, needed a better understanding of how the livestock they use, both were managed across the landscape and supported landscape management. Better understanding livestock movements would also provide more information to communicate with the public to reduce the risk of issues occuring. More accurately collecting animal stocking data was required to answer these queries. The client had an Esri GIS subscription.


The solution was to use "FieldMaps" to enable the field collection of livestock movement data. This data updated an ArcGIS Online map connected to their website to inform public of livestock movements. The collected data will be used to model stocking densities against grassland species data to explore the influences of cattle and sheep grazing on the landscape.

The image, right and below left and middle, are a snapshot of the FieldMaps app illustrating the data collection. The below right image is of the online map.

Case Study - Presenting Data

Data Dashboard in ArcGIS Online

Click on this text to start editing and enter your own text with some basic formatting. Just click anywhere outside the text box when you're done to continue working on the rest of your page. Additional elements can be added by clicking the Add Element + icon displayed when moving your cursor within the block. You can delete an element (e.g. a button) by clicking it and then clicking the bin icon.